Monday, August 13, 2012

Tool #11 - Self Assessing and Reflecting

I've really enjoyed expanding my Personal Learning Network. I've always sought collaboration (i.e. help) from coworkers, but the internet truly takes down the walls.

I foresee suing Atomic Learning to help plan new assignments and bank some additional PD hours, because I'm a nerd like that. Do we simply submit an out-of-district credit request form? I must've skimmed over that info.

Google Docs has been and Dropbox will be highly utilized in the classroom, and I must say that I have enjoyed this iPad so much that I may go spring for my own before school starts. That's been a huge surprise!

I don't know if my vision for my classroom has changed so much as I have more resources with which I'm familiar now. I'll probably read some of the books from Flat Classroom after I exhaust myself looking for hints on their blog.

My fear is how to make this real once the stress of CBQs sets in. The real trick is going to be integrating authentic projects with some really goofy TEKS - spontaneous generation scientists? Really?  with limited time.

1 comment:

  1. First congrats on completing oyur 11 Tools. Second, I am sure that you and your department will come up with some great ideas for incorporating technology.
