Monday, August 13, 2012

Tool #7: Reaching Outside your Classroom: Online Digital Projects

TEK: 7.10B TSW describe how biodiversity contributes to the sustainability of an ecosystem.
We study Ecosystems in the spring.
Use a digital brainstorming session via Skype or Wallwisher to identity threats to biodiversity and sustainability, either with Mrs. Bryan's class, another in the district, or another identified location, and develop an service-learn style initiative.

For example:
15 million trees are cut down annually to produce paper bags in the US alone.
12 million barrels of oil are used annually to produce plastic bags
Less then 1% of plastic shopping bags get recycled
Each year over a million birds and sea mammals die from plastic ingestion or entanglement

Create a presentation that can be shown to potential donors.
Begin an initiative:
Find a grocery or other vendor to donate reusable grocery bags for use by students' families and in their neighborhoods.

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